With my show on RunAsRadio being posted this past week, also be sure to check out some of the older podcasts. Garth Jones posted a list of other noteworthy Podcasts from RunAsRadio. You can see his list and his quick write up about RunAsRadio at: http://smsug.ca/blogs/garth_jones/archive/2008/04/25/other-runas-radio-podcast.aspx
RunAsRadio Podcast
Just noticed up at RunAsRadio that my podcast I recorded with them about SteadyState is posted.
Richard and Greg talk to Todd Lamothe about Windows SteadyState. SteadyState allows administrators to configure PCs to roll back to a base configuration after every reboot. Combined with Group Policy for restricting access to resources you can create the perfect kiosk computer that cleans off all traces of the previous user, ready for the next.