I’m probably the last to know this but I discovered I could check my hotmail from my Blackberry remotely by using mobile.live.com. I had been trying to use www.hotmail.com but that didn’t work so well. You can also use that site to check stocks, sports etc. Other tools I have installed are the typepd blog posting tool, google maps, google news, facebook app, the weather network app and newsgator go!. The typepad tool makes it handy to write a post remotly while out and about as I am doing now. The google maps tool is great for when you are lost and although my bb doesn’t have the gps, the maps application is fairly accurate in calculating, especially in Ottawa and Toronto, but not so much in Napanee though (not enough cell towers). Google news, facebook and the weather network app are pretty self explanatory. Newsgator Go! i use to keeep up to date on the blogs I read when on the go. I use feeddemon on my desktop computer and use the syncing service to stay current across multiple machines. These tools are the ones I use to keep up to date both online stuff and offline information when on the go.