One of the members from the OWSUG Study group has decided to tackle the Windows Vista exam. As part of the fees, we bought Microsoft Exam vouchers for group participants. We have told people to make sure you take a shot at the exam because if you fail, you’ll get a second chance.
No Second Shot for You!
Turns out, if you use a voucher you can’t use the Second Shot because it too is a voucher and you can only use one per exam. I don’t know it is the same if you have a 15% off from the Microsoft Press Books but my guess is, one voucher per exam, it isn’t going to work. Personally, its a piss poor policy in my eyes. I can see people maybe buying bulk vouchers, since work is paying for them, instead of expensing them one at time. They pay full price but since they are entering a voucher code, the second shot is useless, at least through the website. I plan to write my 293 exam shortly, so I may check it out and try calling into Prometric.
I personally started the road to my MCSE 2003 by using a 50% off coupon and the second shot as confidence to write it. At the time, it would have cost over $150.00 to write the exam, (Canadian dollar was the peso then) and I probably would not have written if I didn’t have both factors. I am hoping this is a website issue and not a rule. I’ll update this once I know one way or another.