I wrote the exam I was dreading the most, 70-297. It is an exam which has multiple case studies and you only have a short amount of time to read, and answer each one. I got pressed for time on the first case study, but after that, I learned to skim over some of the reading material and was quicker at getting through the case studies. Thankfully I passed and I am happy to have it out of the way. With that one complete, the finishes the MCSE on Windows Server 2003. I started that journey back in June of 2006, which I passed 70-290 using both a 50% off coupon and the second shot. That was a sweet deal, its too bad they don’t do that anymore. You can get the second shot again but not the deep discount.
Now that I have finished up my MSCE on Windows Server 2003, I have been thinking about which exams to write next. I know both Brad and Garth are wondering, so here goes. I am writing 70-646 (MCITP: Server Admin) next to achieve some more teachable courses for Windows Server 2008. After that exam, the short list is MCITP: Enterprise Admin, MCITP: Enterprise Messaging (Exchange 2007), Server Virtualization, Vista and Office Deployment, and Office Communications Server with the order of the short list undetermined.